Access Advisor Australia is a dedicated platform committed to promoting inclusivity and accessibility. We offer a range of resources, consultations, and services aimed at empowering individuals, businesses, and organisations to create a more accessible world.

We provide comprehensive information on the accessibility of various venues, empowering individuals to make informed decisions about where to go based on their specific needs. Our extensive digital directory of accessible locations is designed to offer customised solutions based on each individual’s unique requirements.

For businesses and organisations, we offer accessibility consultations and partnerships. These services are designed to guide entities in implementing effective accessibility solutions, fostering a more inclusive environment.

“Know Before You Go” is our guiding principle. We believe in providing individuals with the information they need to make informed decisions about accessibility before they go to a specific venue or engage in an activity. It’s about empowering individuals with knowledge to ensure a confident and inclusive experience.

We encourage users to share their real-life experiences by contributing honest reviews about the accessibility of various venues. Your firsthand accounts help create a transparent and reliable resource for the entire community.

No, Access Advisor Australia is for everyone. While we provide valuable information for individuals with diverse needs, our goal is to create a more inclusive society that benefits everyone. Businesses, organisations, and individuals without specific accessibility requirements can also benefit from our educational resources and community-driven insights.

Our platform relies on community-driven insights, and we encourage users to provide accurate and honest reviews. We also work to verify information through various channels to ensure the reliability of our content.

Access Advisor Australia stands out due to its comprehensive approach. We offer not only venue accessibility ratings but also consultancy services and a community-driven platform. Our commitment to genuine, honest reviews and inclusivity sets us apart.

Businesses and organisations interested in promoting accessibility and inclusivity can explore partnership opportunities by contacting us through our dedicated channels. We offer consultancy services, collaborative initiatives and Access Advisor certification to create a more accessible environment.

We strive to keep our information up-to-date. Venue accessibility ratings, resources, and community insights are regularly reviewed and updated to provide the most current and relevant information for our users.